Documents required for the declaration of activity by nationals of a Member State of the European Union or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area wishing to establish themselves in France
Declaration form (1)
Last name :
First name(s) :
Address :
Nationality :
Physical or sporting activity supervised :
Position held :
Principal place of practice envisaged (2) :
Establishment (3) :
Declaration of honour
I, the undersigned, sports educator
attest to the accuracy of the information given in this declaration.
Done at
Documents to be attached to the declaration
1. Copy of an identity document ;
2. Medical certificate stating that you are not contraindicated in practising and supervising physical or sporting activities, less than one year old, translated into French, if necessary, by a translator or a sworn body;
3. Copy of the attestation of competence or training qualification, accompanied by documents describing the training course (programme, number of hours, nature and duration of training periods completed), all translated into French by a sworn translator or organisation;
4. Where applicable (4), copies of any documents proving professional experience, translated into French by a sworn translator or organisation;
5. If the evidence of formal qualifications was acquired in a third country, copies of documents attesting that the evidence of formal qualifications was accepted as equivalent in a Member State of the European Union or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area which regulates the activity;
6. Documents certifying that the declarant has not been subject, in the Member State of origin, to any of the convictions or measures mentioned in articles L. 212-9 and L. 212-13, translated into French by a sworn translator or organisation.