For companies with more than two hundred and fifty employees, the indicators mentioned in Article L. 1142-8 are as follows:
1° The pay gap between women and men, calculated on the basis of the average pay of women compared with that of men, by age group and by category of equivalent positions;
2° The difference in the rate of individual pay increases not corresponding to promotions between women and men;
3° The difference in promotion rates between women and men;
4° The percentage of female employees who received a pay rise in the year following their return from maternity leave, if pay rises occurred during the period in which the leave was taken;
5° The number of employees of the under-represented sex among the ten highest paid employees.
These indicators are calculated according to the methods defined in Appendix I at the end of this chapter. If a social and economic committee is set up at the level of an economic and social unit recognised by collective agreement or by court decision between several legally distinct undertakings, the indicators are calculated at the level of the economic and social unit.