The indicators defined in articles D. 1142-2 and D. 1142-2-1, as well as the level of results mentioned in article D. 1142-3, are made available to the Social and Economic Committee, at the intervals set in the first paragraph of article D. 1142-4, under the conditions set out in the second paragraph of article L. 2312-18. The results are presented by socio-professional category, hierarchical level or coefficient or according to the levels of the company’s job rating method. This information is accompanied by all the details necessary for its understanding, in particular relating to the methodology applied and the distribution of employees by socio-professional category or according to the levels of the company’s job rating method.
The provisions set out in the first paragraph also apply in cases, provided for in Annexes I and II, where certain indicators cannot be calculated. In this case, the information provided to the Social and Economic Committee is accompanied by full details explaining the reasons why the indicators could not be calculated.
All of this information is also sent to the services of the Minister responsible for labour using a remote declaration procedure defined by order of the Minister responsible for labour.