The improvement targets provided for in Article L. 1142-9-1 are set for each indicator mentioned in Articles D. 1142-2 and D. 1142-2-1 for which the maximum score has not been achieved, provided that the result level mentioned in Article D. 1142-3 is less than eighty-five points. The improvement target set, where applicable, for the indicator mentioned in 1° of articles D. 1142-2 and D. 1142-2-1 must ensure compliance with the provisions relating to equal pay set out in article L. 3221-2.
They are published on the company’s website where one exists, on the same page as the level of results and the results mentioned inarticle D. 1142-4 of the Labour Code, once the agreement or unilateral decision has been filed under the conditions provided for in article D. 2231-4 of the same code.
They can be consulted on the company’s website until the company achieves a result level of at least eighty-five points. In the absence of a website, they are brought to the attention of employees by any means.