Allowances received by the employee from social security and supplementary provident schemes are deducted from the additional compensation, but in the latter case only the portion of benefits resulting from payments by the employer is deducted.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Regulatory part | Part One: Individual employment relations | Book II: Employment contracts | Title II: Formation and performance of the employment contract | Chapter VI: Illness, accident and medical unfitness | Section 1: Absence due to illness or accident | Article D1226-5 of the French Labour Code
Allowances received by the employee from social security and supplementary provident schemes are deducted from the additional compensation, but in the latter case only the portion of benefits resulting from payments by the employer is deducted.
Sont déduites de l’indemnité complémentaire les allocations que le salarié perçoit de la sécurité sociale et des régimes complémentaires de prévoyance, mais en ne retenant dans ce dernier cas que la part des prestations résultant des versements de l’employeur.
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