Except in an emergency situation where all measures are taken to inform users as quickly as possible by appropriate means, the mayor will display in the town hall, within two working days of receiving them, all the documents sent to him by the prefect on data relating to the quality of the water supplied or only the summary with commentary to enable the data to be properly understood. These documents remain on display until new ones become available.
In addition to being displayed at the town hall, the mayor publishes an annual summary report by the director general of the regional health agency on data relating to the quality of the water supplied, forwarded by the prefect, in the recueil des actes administratifs provided for inarticle R. 2121-10 of the general local authority code, in towns with 3,500 inhabitants or more.
When, in addition to posting the information in the town hall, another form of publicity is used for water quality data, the information must be based, for the period in question, on all the corresponding results available. If the information is selected, it must not be such as to mislead the consumer.
On the same billboard, or in the same message if other means of information are used in addition, it is stated that, for the purposes of article L. 1321-9, all data relating to water quality can be consulted at a specified location, which may be in another commune if a group of communes is involved in water distribution. At this location, which is easily accessible to the public during normal opening hours, data relating to at least the last three years is kept directly available to the public. Where the data is recorded on a computerised system, it is presented in a form that is equivalent to the original and easy to read.