Each person responsible for a bathing water draws up the bathing water profile provided for in article L. 1332-3. This profile includes in particular the following elements
1° A description of the physical, geographical and hydrogeological characteristics of the bathing water and other surface waters in the catchment area of the bathing water concerned, which could be relevant sources of pollution for the purposes of the objective of this section and as provided for in Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy ;
2° An identification and assessment of sources of pollution that could affect bathing water quality and impair bathers’ health;
3° An assessment of the potential for proliferation of cyanobacteria;
4° An assessment of the potential for proliferation of macro-algae and phytoplankton;
5° If the assessment of the sources of pollution mentioned in 2° reveals a risk of short-term pollution as defined in article D. 1332-15, the following information:
a) The foreseeable nature, cause, frequency and duration of the short-term pollution that can be expected;
b) Details of all remaining sources of pollution, including the management measures taken and the planned timetable for their elimination;
c) The management measures that will be taken during the short-term pollution and the identity and contact details of the bodies responsible for implementing these measures;
6° If the assessment of the sources of pollution indicates either a risk of pollution by cyanobacteria, macro-algae, phytoplankton or waste, or a risk of pollution leading to a prohibition or decision to close the bathing site for at least one entire bathing season, the following information:
a) Details of all sources of pollution ;
b) The management measures that will be taken to prevent, reduce and eliminate sources of pollution and the timetable for their implementation;
7° The location of the monitoring point(s);
8° Relevant data available, obtained during monitoring and assessments carried out in application of the provisions of this section and the Environment Code.
The information mentioned in 1°, 2° and 6° is also provided on a detailed map, where feasible.
For contiguous bathing waters subject to common sources of pollution, a common profile may be drawn up by the person or persons responsible for the bathing waters.