For its first plenary session, the members of the National Health Conference are convened by the Minister for Health.
It is chaired by the oldest member, who then elects the President.
The oldest member chairs the National Health Conference until its President is elected.
The members of the standing committee referred to in article D. 1411-41 are elected by and from among the members of each of the colleges in accordance with the procedures defined by order of the Minister for Health.
The list of volunteer members of the permanent working group provided for in art. D. 1411-43, from all the colleges, and of the associated personalities, is adopted by the plenary assembly in accordance with the procedures defined by order of the Minister for Health.
In the absence of internal regulations, the provisional organisational and operational procedures defined by the General Secretariat apply at this first meeting.
They shall cease to apply on the date of adoption of the Conference’s rules of procedure.