Permission to go out is granted for one or more outings. It authorises the convicted offender to go to a place on national territory. It may be subject to one or more conditions, in particular the obligations set out in articles 131-36-2,132-44 and 132-45 of the Penal Code. Permission to go out may be accompanied by a ban on the offender having contact with the victim of the offence, or appearing in places where the victim is usually present, particularly in the case of a crime or offence covered by the article 132-80 of the Penal Code. If the convicted person is subject to a ban on entering into relations with a person, associating with certain convicted persons or appearing in certain places, imposed pursuant to article 138 of this Code or articles 131-6,131-10 or 132-45 of the French Penal Code, including in the context of a socio-judicial follow-up, a probationary suspended sentence or a principal or supplementary sentence, the permission to go out is automatically accompanied by these prohibitions. These prohibitions may be reiterated in the decision granting permission to leave. The same applies if the person is subject to these prohibitions pursuant to a protection order under Article 515-11 of the Civil Code.
A travel period may be granted to the beneficiary of the permission to leave; this is calculated according to the length of the journey and the times of the means of transport used.
The sentence enforcement judge may order the withdrawal of a leave to go out and the immediate re-incarceration of the sentenced person if the conditions that enabled it to be granted are no longer met, if the sentenced person does not meet the obligations imposed on him or if he demonstrates misconduct. This withdrawal may, on the same grounds, be ordered prior to the execution of the leave.
To this end, the judge may issue a warrant to bring in or arrest pursuant to the provisions of article 712-17.
The decisions provided for in the third paragraph may be taken both by the sentence enforcement judge and by the head of the establishment when it is the latter who has granted permission to leave pursuant to the third paragraph of article 723-3 and article D. 142-3-1.