The prison integration and probation service will forward its opinion on the most appropriate measure and on the obligations and prohibitions likely to be imposed to the sentence enforcement judge in good time before the meeting of the sentence enforcement committee at which the person’s situation will be examined, and will provide, where applicable, any information that will enable the judge to assess whether it is materially impossible for the prisoner to be released on full parole.
This materially impossible situation is characterised when the prisoner has no accommodation or no accommodation compatible with the prohibitions on appearance or contact that may be imposed on him on release, including with a third party.
This material impossibility is deemed to exist when the detainee has no accommodation or no accommodation that is compatible with the prohibitions on appearance or contact that may be imposed on his release, including with a third party or a public or private organisation. The same applies when the accommodation capacity of facilities for persons placed on semi-liberty or work release has been reached in places compatible with the arrangements for implementing the measure.