To draw up the responsible digital strategy mentioned in article L. 2311-1-1, the municipalities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation with their own tax status mentioned in the same article draw up a work programme in conjunction with the public and private players concerned. This programme includes an assessment of the environmental impact of digital technology and its uses in the area concerned. It shall also summarise any action already taken to mitigate this impact.
The responsible digital strategy shall include, in the context of the strategy, an assessment of the environmental impact of digital technology and its uses in the territory concerned.
The responsible digital strategy includes, on the basis of the work programme thus established, the objectives for reducing the digital footprint of the territory concerned, the monitoring indicators associated with these objectives and the measures put in place to achieve them. It determines the means of meeting these targets. These objectives and the measures implemented may be annual or multiannual in nature.
The objectives of the strategy may relate in particular to:
1° Local and sustainable public procurement, with a focus on reuse, repair and the fight against obsolescence;
2° Sustainable and local management of the life cycle of IT equipment;
3° Eco-design of digital sites and services;
4° The introduction of a policy to raise awareness of responsible digital use and IT security among elected representatives and public officials;
> 5° The introduction of a policy to raise awareness of responsible digital use and IT security among elected representatives and public officials;
5° The introduction of a responsible digital approach for all in order to make citizens aware of the environmental challenges of digital technology and digital inclusion;
6° The implementation of a connected and sustainable territory approach in conjunction with an approach to open up and make the most of data.