The doping prevention medical units must, under the coordination of the Minister responsible for Sport:
1° Set up a system of specialised consultations open to athletes who use doping substances or methods or who are likely to use them;
2° Offer, where appropriate, medical or medico-psychological follow-up to the athletes mentioned in 1°;
3° Set up doping prevention actions aimed at athletes in accordance with the guidelines given by the head of the regional State department responsible for sport. When they are aimed at the target audiences mentioned inarticle R. 232-41-12-1 and deal with the themes mentioned inarticle R. 232-41-12-2, these actions comply with the education programme mentioned in 12° of the I ofarticle L. 232-5;
4° Provide methodological assistance to those responsible for prevention actions, particularly those that have received financial support from the State.
They may also be entrusted with a specific activity relating to the prevention of doping for the benefit of all the antennas. This is stipulated in the branch’s approval order.