The application for authorisation should be sent to the Director General of the Regional Health Agency for the region in which the leprosy centre is to be located, together with a dossier, the content of which is defined by order of the Minister for Health.
This application specifies the operating procedures of the leprosy centre, in particular those which ensure that medical follow-up and the supply of medicines are free of charge, and guarantee :
1° The maintenance or creation of a team of professionals, the composition and number of whom are adapted to local needs and the activity of the centre;
2° The availability of premises, equipment and materials suited to the centre’s activity;
3° An individual information and advice interview;
4° Medical consultations carried out by a doctor with experience in the fight against leprosy;
5° Carrying out surveys in the vicinity of cases;
6° Dispensing the medicines needed to treat the disease;
7° Availability of the equipment and medicines needed to treat any serious adverse reactions;
8° The conclusion of an agreement with at least one health establishment likely to treat people affected by leprosy;
9° The declaration to the regional pharmacovigilance centre, in accordance with the conditions laid down in section 13 of Chapter I of Title II of Book I of Part Five of this Code, of adverse reactions which may be due to the treatment.