I.-In the event of application of the sixth and seventh sentences of the fifth paragraph of article 199 decies E of the General Tax Code or of the last paragraph of 4 of article 199 decies F of the same code and on condition that continued operation is ensured under the conditions provided for in I of article 46 AGG bis of appendix 3 to the General Tax Code, the maintenance and issue of the classification of the residence are not, for the duration of the rental commitment, subject to compliance with either the criterion of management by a single natural or legal person provided for in article D. 321-1, or the requirement that at least 70% of the furnished accommodation must be let, as stipulated in article D. 321-2, or the minimum capacity required for classification as a tourist residence.
II – The application for classification is submitted either by the co-owners in the case provided for in 1° of I of article 46 AGG bis of appendix 3 to the General Tax Code, or by the company set up in the case provided for in 2° of I of the same article.