For employees for whom the employer provides accommodation, this benefit in kind is valued by agreement or collective labour agreement.
Failing this, accommodation is valued at 0.02 euros per day.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book II: Salaries and benefits | Title III: Salary determination | Chapter I: Minimum growth wage | Section 2: Fixing procedures | Subsection 3: Benefits in kind | Article D3231-11 of the French Labour Code
For employees for whom the employer provides accommodation, this benefit in kind is valued by agreement or collective labour agreement.
Failing this, accommodation is valued at 0.02 euros per day.
Pour les salariés auxquels l’employeur fournit le logement, cette prestation en nature est évaluée par convention ou accord collectif de travail.
A défaut, le logement est évalué à 0, 02 euros par jour.
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