Article D3211-1 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of chapter one of title III relating to the minimum growth wage and those of articles R. 3232-8 to R. 3232-10 do not apply to young workers holding an apprenticeship contract.
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The provisions of chapter one of title III relating to the minimum growth wage and those of articles R. 3232-8 to R. 3232-10 do not apply to young workers holding an apprenticeship contract.
The Labour Inspectorate supervisory officer may demand to be informed of the various factors involved in determining remuneration in the company, in particular the standards, categories, criteria and basis of calculation referred to in Article L. 3221-6. He may conduct an adversarial investigation during which the employer and the employees concerned may be assisted by a person of their choice. If a procedure for resolving difficulties is implemented under the…
The provisions of articles L. 3221-1 to L. 3221-7 of the Labour Code are brought to the attention of all persons having access to the workplace, as well as applicants for employment, by any means. The same applies to the regulatory provisions adopted for the application of these articles.
Failure to comply with the provisions relating to equal pay for men and women set out in articles L. 3221-2 to L. 3221-6 is punishable by a fifth-class fine. The fine is applied as many times as there are workers paid under illegal conditions. Repeated offences are punishable in accordance with articles 132-11 and 132-15 of the French Criminal Code.
Failure to communicate the information used to determine remuneration in the company, in disregard of the provisions of article R. 3221-1, is punishable by a third-class fine.
Failure to communicate articles relating to equal pay for men and women in accordance with article R. 3221-2 is punishable by a third-class fine.
The decrees provided for in articles L. 3231-4, L. 3231-7, L. 3231-8, L. 3231-10 and L. 3231-12 are issued by the Council of Ministers. The decrees provided for in articles L. 3231-4, L. 3231-8 and L. 3231-10 are issued after consultation with the National Commission for Collective Bargaining, Employment and Vocational Training.
The consumer price index used for the application of articles L. 3231-4 and L. 3231-12 is the monthly consumer price index excluding tobacco for households in the first quintile of the distribution of living standards.
For the application of article L. 3231-8, the ratio of the reference index measuring changes in the basic hourly wage of manual and clerical workers to the price index mentioned in article R. * 3231-2 is taken into account.
The minimum growth wage applicable to young workers under the age of eighteen is reduced by : 1° 20% Before the age of seventeen; 2° 10% Between the ages of seventeen and eighteen. This reduction is waived for young workers with six months’ professional experience in the branch of activity to which they belong.
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