The thresholds determined in article R. 3252-2 are increased by an amount of €1,610 per dependant of the distrainee debtor or the assignor, on presentation of proof by the person concerned.
For the purposes of the first paragraph, the following are deemed to be dependants:
1° The debtor’s spouse, partner in a civil solidarity pact or cohabitee, whose personal resources are less than the flat-rate amount of the revenu de solidarité active (active solidarity income) referred to in article L. 262-2 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles (social action and family code), set for a single-person household as determined each year by decree ;
2° A child who is entitled to family benefits under articles L. 512-3 and L. 512-4 of the Social Security Code and who is effectively and permanently dependent on the debtor within the meaning of article L. 513-1 of the same code. A child to whom or for whose maintenance the debtor pays a maintenance allowance is also considered to be dependent;
3° An ascendant whose personal resources are less than the flat-rate amount of the revenu de solidarité active mentioned in article L. 262-2 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles, set for a single-person household and who lives with the debtor or to whom the debtor pays maintenance.