A creditor in possession of a writ of execution evidencing a debt that is due and payable may have sums due by way of remuneration from an employer to his debtor seized.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book II: Salaries and benefits | Title V: Protection of wages | Chapter II: Attachments and assignments | Section 1: Common provisions | Article R3252-1 of the French Labour Code
A creditor in possession of a writ of execution evidencing a debt that is due and payable may have sums due by way of remuneration from an employer to his debtor seized.
Le créancier muni d’un titre exécutoire constatant une créance liquide et exigible peut faire procéder à la saisie des sommes dues à titre de rémunération par un employeur à son débiteur.
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