Article R3261-1 of the French Labour Code
The employer’s contribution to the cost of season tickets, as provided for in article L. 3261-2, is equal to 50% of the cost of these tickets for the employee.
The employer’s contribution to the cost of season tickets, as provided for in article L. 3261-2, is equal to 50% of the cost of these tickets for the employee.
The employer will pay for tickets purchased by employees in the following categories: 1° Multimodal season tickets with an unlimited number of journeys, as well as annual, monthly, weekly or tacit renewal season tickets with an unlimited number of journeys issued by the Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF), as well as by public transport companies, public transport authorities and the other persons mentioned in article 7 II of…
The employer will cover the cost on the basis of second class fares. The beneficiary may request that the cost of one or more tickets enabling him/her to travel from his/her usual place of residence to his/her place of work in the shortest possible time be covered. If the ticket used is for a journey longer than that required to cover the journey from the usual place of residence to…
The employer shall reimburse tickets purchased by employees as soon as possible and, at the latest, at the end of the month following the month for which they were validated. Vouchers valid for one year are reimbursed on a monthly basis during the period of use.
The reimbursement of transport costs by the employer is subject to the employee handing in or, failing that, presenting the tickets. To be eligible for reimbursement, the tickets must enable the holder to be identified and comply with the rules of validity defined by the public establishment, public authority, company or person mentioned in article R. 3261-2, or, where applicable, by the person responsible for managing the public bicycle hire…
A collective labour agreement may provide for other methods of proof and reimbursement of transport costs, without the time limits for reimbursement of tickets exceeding those mentioned in article R. 3261-4.
In the event of a change in the arrangements for proving or reimbursing transport costs, the employer shall notify employees at least one month before the date set for the change.
The employer may refuse to cover the costs if the employee already receives expense allowances for travel between his usual place of residence and his place(s) of work in an amount equal to or greater than the amount covered by article R. 3261-1.
A part-time employee, employed for a number of hours equal to or greater than half the legal weekly working time or the number of hours agreed in the collective bargaining agreement, if the latter is less, will benefit from reimbursement equivalent to that of a full-time employee. A part-time employee, employed for a number of hours less than half the number of full-time working hours defined in accordance with the…
An employee who works at several different workplaces within the same company and who is not provided with transport between these different workplaces and between these workplaces and the employee’s usual place of residence may claim reimbursement of the cost of one or more tickets enabling him/her to make all the journeys required between his/her usual place of residence and his/her different workplaces, as well as between these workplaces.
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