The rules governing the powers of the Corsican Sites Council, in its so-called “new tourist units” configuration, are defined byarticle R. 4421-1 of the General Local Authorities Code, reproduced below:
“Art. R. 4421-1 of the General Local Authorities Code.
In addition to the plenary session, the Corsican sites council comprises five panels. It is responsible for :
1° In its “nature, landscapes and sites” section, exercising the powers devolved to the specialised sections provided for by articles R. 341-19 to R. 341-21 of the Environment Code;
2° In its “heritage and architecture” configuration, to exercise the powers devolved to the Regional Commission for Heritage and Architecture by Article L. 611-2 of the Heritage Code;
3° In its “new tourist units” configuration, to exercise the powers devolved to the specialised commission mentioned in the third paragraph of article 7 of law no. 85-30 of 9 January 1985 relating to the development and protection of mountains and those devolved to the specialised configuration of the departmental commission for nature, landscapes and sites by article R. 341-22 of the environment code;
4° In its “quarries” section, to exercise the powers devolved to the specialised section of the departmental commission for nature, landscapes and sites by article R. 341-23 of the Environment Code.
5° In its “captive wildlife” section, to exercise the powers devolved to the specialised section of the departmental nature, landscape and sites commission by article R. 341-24 of the environment code. “