The chairman of the Haut Conseil des professions paramédicales is appointed by order of the Minister for Health from among persons who, through their work or professional activities, have demonstrated their knowledge of the healthcare professions and the organisation of healthcare. A vice-chairman is appointed under the same conditions. He will deputise for the Chairman in the event of his absence.
The High Council is also made up of :
1° Representatives of the trade unions representing hospital civil servants at national level proposed by each of the organisations. The trade unions have one seat on the High Council for the Paramedical Professions when they have one or two seats on the Higher Council of the Hospital Civil Service, and two seats on the High Council when the number of their representatives on the Higher Council of the Hospital Civil Service is equal to or greater than three;
2° Representatives of the professional unions recognised as representative pursuant toArticle L. 162-33 of the Social Security Code, proposed by each of the following unions, according to the following distribution, on the date of the general renewal of the High Council:
a) One representative from each of the two most representative nurses’ unions ;
b) One representative from each of the two most representative trade unions for masseur-physiotherapists;
c) One representative of the most representative trade union for each of the other medical auxiliary professions;
3° A representative proposed by the federations of employers of public and private health establishments;
4° A representative proposed by each of the following professions or groups of professions: advanced practice nurse, operating theatre nurse, anaesthetist nurse, nursery nurse, occupational therapist, psychomotrician, hearing aid acoustician, optician, prosthetist and orthotist, dietician, medical electroradiology technician, medical laboratory technician, care assistant, childcare assistant, ambulance driver, dental assistant.
The following may attend meetings of the High Council in an advisory capacity:
a) A representative of self-employed doctors proposed by the representative trade unions within the meaning of article L. 162-33 of the Social Security Code;
b) A representative of hospital medical staff proposed by the trade unions representing medical staff sitting on the Higher Council of Medical, Odontological and Pharmaceutical Staff;
c) One representative of the national council proposed by each of the following professional orders: ordre des médecins, ordre des chirurgiens-dentistes, ordre des infirmiers, ordre des masseurs-kinésithérapeutes and ordre des pédicures-podologues.
The Haut Conseil des professions paramédicales may, by decision of its Chairman, hear experts.
A representative of the Minister for Health may attend the meetings and deliberations of the Haut Conseil des professions paramédicales.
The members of the High Council are appointed by order of the Minister for Health for a renewable term of three years. Two alternates are appointed for each full member, under the same conditions. In the absence of the full member, only one alternate may attend meetings.
Any member who loses the capacity by virtue of which he was appointed ceases to belong to the High Council. He shall be replaced by a member appointed for the remainder of his term of office.