An order for involuntary hospitalisation made pursuant to article 706-135 of this code is immediately enforceable, without prejudice to the possibility of referring the matter to the liberty and custody judge in accordance with the provisions of l’article L. 3211-12 of the Public Health Code in order to terminate the hospitalisation.
On pain of inadmissibility, this order may only be appealed or appealed to the Supreme Court at the same time as an appeal or appeal lodged against the decision declaring the person not criminally irresponsible on the grounds of mental disorder.
An appeal against an order for compulsory hospitalisation does not have suspensive effect.
Where no appeal has been lodged, the order for involuntary hospitalisation lapses if the appeal court finds the person criminally liable and sentences him or her to a custodial sentence. The same applies if, following an appeal in cassation, the referring court finds the person criminally liable and sentences him or her to deprivation of liberty. The order lapses when the custodial sentence is served. The provisions of this paragraph are not, however, exclusive of the application of those of article D. 398, where applicable without interrupting the person’s stay in a healthcare establishment.