Without prejudice to the application of Article 694-4, enforcement of a financial penalty shall be refused in any of the following cases:
<1° If the pecuniary sanction is based on an act that does not constitute an offence under French law;
2° If the pecuniary sanction was issued in respect of a person aged under thirteen years on the date of the acts;
3° If the pecuniary sanction relates to acts which were committed outside the territory of the issuing State and French law does not authorise the prosecution of these acts when they were committed outside the territory of the Republic;
4° If the pecuniary sanction relates to acts falling within the jurisdiction of the French courts and the enforcement of this sanction is time-barred under French law;
5° If the pecuniary sanction is based on offences for which the convicted person has already been finally judged by the French judicial authorities or by those of a State other than the issuing State, provided, in the event of conviction, that the sentence has been enforced, is in the process of being enforced or can no longer be brought back for enforcement under the laws of the convicting State ;
6° In the case of a written procedure, if, according to the certificate, the sentenced person has not been informed, in accordance with the law of the issuing State, personally or through a representative competent under national law, of his or her right to appeal and of the time limit for doing so;
7° If, according to the certificate, the sentenced person did not appear in person at the trial, except in the cases referred to in 1° to 3° of Article 695-22-1 ;
8° If it is established that the financial penalty was taken with the aim of condemning a person on the grounds of his sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, language, political opinions or sexual orientation, or that the execution of the said penalty may adversely affect the position of that person for one of these reasons;
9° If French law provides for immunity that makes it impossible to enforce the financial penalty.