The Social and Economic Committee is consulted on the conclusion of this agreement with the State. They are consulted on the content and implementation of the forward-looking jobs and skills management plan.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title II: Aid to maintain and safeguard employment | Chapter I: Aid for adapting employees to changes in jobs and skills and for age management | Section 2: Assistance with drawing up a forward-looking jobs and skills management plan | Article D5121-9 of the French Labour Code
The Social and Economic Committee is consulted on the conclusion of this agreement with the State. They are consulted on the content and implementation of the forward-looking jobs and skills management plan.
Le comité social et économique est consulté sur la conclusion de cette convention avec l’Etat. Ils sont consultés sur le contenu et les modalités de mise en œuvre du plan de gestion prévisionnelle des emplois et des compétences.
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