Caisse des dépôts et consignations submits the accounts provided for in Article L. 518-24-1 at least once a year in accordance with the regulatory deadlines for producing the account of the principal’s public accountant.
The accounts are produced by the headmaster’s agent. They shall show all expenditure and income transactions carried out under the agency agreement and described by type, without contraction between them.
The accounts are accompanied by:
1° A list of the transactions carried out over the period, their amount and their nature;
2° Supporting documents for these transactions, in accordance with the conditions set out inArticle 50 of Decree 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on public budgetary and accounting management;
3° Where applicable, the status of the advance paid over the period;
4° Where applicable, a statement of outstanding amounts to be recovered, broken down by debtor and by type of revenue.
During the term of the agency agreement, outstanding amounts remain the responsibility of the agent. At the end of the agreement, the cost of outstanding debts is transferred to the principal.