I.-The transferor, donor or contributor shall publish, at his own expense, the universal transfer of business assets provided for in article L. 526-27, in the form of a notice in the Bulletin officiel des annonces civiles et commerciales or an announcement in a medium authorised to receive legal announcements in the department in which the business is carried on, no later than one month after it is completed.
This notice or announcement contains the following information:
1° In the case of the transferor, donor or contributor: name at birth, surname in use, forenames, where applicable trade or professional name, professional activity or activities carried out, as well as the numbers and codes characterising this activity or these activities referred to in 1° to 3° of article R. 123-223, the address of the principal place of business or, in the absence of a place of business, the address of the residential premises where the business is established and the unique identification number of the business issued in accordance with article D. 123-235;
In the case of the transferee, the name of the business or the professional activities carried out, as well as the numbers and codes identifying the business or activities referred to in
2° In the case of the transferee, donee or beneficiary of the contribution: the name at birth, surname in use, forenames, if applicable trade or professional name, the address of the principal place of business or, if there is no place of business, the address of the residential premises where the business is located, if applicable, the company name or name followed by the acronym, the form, the address of the registered office, the amount of the capital and the unique identification number of the business issued in accordance with article D. 123-235 and, where applicable, the numbers and codes characterising the professional activity or activities carried out as referred to in 1° to 3° of article R. 123-223.
II -The notice or announcement referred to in I must be accompanied by a description of the assets, rights, obligations or securities making up the business assets, as shown in the last financial year for which the accounts have been closed and updated to the date of the transfer, or, for sole traders who are not subject to accounting obligations, to the date resulting from the agreement of the parties.
The description must be drawn up in the same language as the notice or announcement.
The descriptive statement is drawn up in the form laid down by order of the minister responsible for the economy.