The multidisciplinary assessment of dangerousness provided for by article 730-2-1 is carried out by the multidisciplinary committee on security measures referred to in Article 763-10 with jurisdiction for the Paris Court of Appeal.
When it rules in application of the first paragraph, its composition provided for by article R. 61-8 is amended as follows:
1° It is completed by a police officer or a member of the gendarmerie who is assigned or has been assigned to a criminal investigation department specially responsible for combating terrorism, appointed for a period of five years by the Minister of the Interior;
2° The representative of a victim support association provided for in 6° of Article R. 61-8 is a representative of an association mentioned in article 2-9. This representative may not, however, have been a victim of the offences for which the person whose dangerousness the commission is charged with assessing has been convicted.