The creation by Pôle emploi and by the specialised placement bodies mentioned in article L. 5214-3-1 of an automated personal data processing system entitled “Processing of health data necessary for the adapted support of jobseekers with disabilities” is authorised.
The data is recorded within the automated processing of personal data mentioned in article R. 5312-38 in order to enable Pôle emploi and the specialised placement bodies to:
1° Provide information, welcome, guidance and appropriate support for jobseekers with disabilities on the path to employment;
2° Draw up and monitor the personalised project for access to employment;
3° Allocate and pay aid and mobilise benefits;
4° Manage documents electronically;
5° Feeding and aggregating data in order to produce statistics relating to the missions of Pôle emploi and the above-mentioned specialised placement bodies, as well as indicators enabling the management of their activities.