Where, pursuant to the provisions of this Code, an interpreter or translator is required or appointed by the competent judicial authority, he or she shall be chosen:
1° From the national list of judicial experts drawn up by the office of the Court of Cassation, or from the list of judicial experts drawn up by each court of appeal;
2° Failing this, from the list of interpreter-translators provided for by the article R. 141-1 du code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile;
3° If necessary, an adult not appearing on any of these lists may be appointed, if the interpreter or translator is not chosen from among the investigators, magistrates or court clerks in charge of the case, the parties or the witnesses.
Interpreters or translators who are not on any of the lists mentioned in 1° or 2° shall, each time they are appointed, take an oath to assist the judiciary to the best of their honour and conscience. Their oath will be recorded in the minutes.
Interpreters and translators are required to respect the confidentiality of the interpretation and translations provided.