I.-Information relating to companies is communicated to France compétences by the bodies responsible for collecting the contribution relating to vocational training, and to skills operators by France compétences, in order to enable:
1° The establishment, updating and distribution of the correspondence tables mentioned in article R. 6123-34 ;
2° The distribution and payment by France Compétences of the contributions and fees mentioned in 3° and 15° of article L. 6123-5 and in articles L. 6331-5, L. 6331-35, L. 6331-55, L. 6331-57, L. 6323-20-1 ;
3° The carrying out of the satisfaction surveys mentioned in 14° of article. L. 6123-5;
4° For skills operators to carry out the tasks specified in 1°, 4°, 5° and 6° of article L. 6332-1 or by national professional agreement as part of the additional contributions mentioned in article L. 6332-1-2 ;
5° For the Comité de concertation et de coordination de l’apprentissage du bâtiment et des travaux publics to carry out the tasks specified in article L. 6331-36.
II.The categories of information to be transmitted in application of I are as follows:
1° Data to be transmitted to France Compétences:
a) Company data:
Registered office identification number;
-Company name;
-Legal category;
-Company’s main activity code (APEN);
-Contact details of the vocational training advisor;
-Start-up date;
Dates of cessation of activity;
-Dates of disappearance;
-Average annual headcount;
-Average annual headcount of work-study students;
-Average annual headcount of beneficiaries of the obligation to employ disabled workers (BOETH)
b) Establishment data :
Identification number;
-Trading name;
-Establishment’s principal activity code (APET);
-Start-up date;
-End of activity date;
-Collective agreement identifier or declared skills operator;
-Transfer date and identification of transferor and transferee;
-Average monthly headcount;
-Average monthly headcount of work-study students;
Average monthly headcount of beneficiaries of the obligation to employ disabled workers (BOETH);
-Wage bill subject to the contribution to vocational training;
-Wage bill subject to the contribution to the personal training account for fixed-term contracts;
-Wage bill subject to the apprenticeship tax;
-Wage bill for intermittent workers;
-Reported amount of contributions: vocational training contribution, personal training account contribution for fixed-term contracts, main part of the apprenticeship tax, additional apprenticeship contribution, one-off contribution to the development of vocational training for intermittent workers and regularisations, amount of apprenticeship tax deductions.
2° Data to be sent to skills operators
a) Company data :
Registered office identification number;
-Company name;
-Legal category;
-Company’s main activity code (APEN);
-Details of the contact person responsible for vocational training;
-Date of creation;
Dates of cessation of activity;
-Dates of disappearance;
-Average annual headcount;
-Average annual headcount of work-study students;
-Average annual headcount of beneficiaries of the obligation to employ disabled workers (BOETH);
b) Data on the establishment :
Identification number;
-Trading name;
-Establishment’s principal activity code (APET);
-Start-up date;
-End of activity date;
-Collective agreement identifier or declared skills operator;
-Transfer date and identification of transferor and transferee;
Total payroll subject to contribution to vocational training;
-Total payroll subject to contribution to personal training account for fixed-term contracts;
-Total payroll subject to apprenticeship tax;
-Total payroll for intermittent workers.