Article R6111-1 of the French Labour Code
The national information system provided for in Article L. 6111-7 uses a common reference language known as the “Harmonised Language for the Exchange of Information on Training Provision-LHÉO”.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book I: General principles and institutional organisation of vocational training
The national information system provided for in Article L. 6111-7 uses a common reference language known as the “Harmonised Language for the Exchange of Information on Training Provision-LHÉO”.
The reference language referred to in article R. 6111-1 is defined by order of the Minister responsible for vocational training, issued after consultation with the National Commission for Collective Bargaining, Employment and Vocational Training and published in the Official Journal of the French Republic. It is updated on a regular basis. It is made available to the public by electronic means.
The prior information relating to the training sessions provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 6121-5 and the information relating to the continuing vocational training on offer in the territory by the region determined in article L. 6121-6 are disseminated using the reference language mentioned in article R. 6111-1. The information system for the personal training account defined in II of article L. 6323-8 lists the vocational training…
The information mentioned in the first paragraph of article R. 6111-3 is sent to the members of the public employment service, the operators of the vocational development advice and the bodies mentioned in 3° and 4° of II of article L. 6323-4 .
I.-When the Minister responsible for vocational training notes that the institutions and bodies mentioned in 1° bis of Article L. 5311-4 and Article L. 5314-1, Pôle emploi and the institution responsible for improving the functioning of the employment market for professional and managerial staff created by the national inter-professional agreement of 12 July 2011 relating to the Association pour l’emploi des cadres, responsible for providing vocational development advice under Article…
The institutions, bodies and operators mentioned in Article L. 6111-6 provide career development advice. They provide direct information to individuals on how to access this advice and on its content, in particular by organising information sessions for people in employment and jobseekers on the subject of career development advice. These institutions, bodies and operators inform people at their first interview about the procedures for accessing and the content of the…
The institutions, bodies and operators responsible for providing career development advice assess the impact of the advice on their beneficiaries and share this data under the conditions set out inarticle L. 6353-10 of the French Labour Code.
The regions organise the publication and transmission of the list and contact details of the centres providing advice on the validation of prior learning mentioned in I of article L. 6111-3 to the national dematerialised portal dedicated to the validation of prior learning.
All persons involved in lifelong vocational training are trained in the rules relating to professional equality between women and men and contribute, in the course of their work, to promoting such equality.
The training courses leading to certification necessary to obtain the certification relating to the skills acquired in the exercise of a staff representative mandate or a trade union mandate, in particular the positioning, support and skills assessment courses, constitute actual working time and give rise during their course to the company maintaining remuneration, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 6321-6, provided that they do not fall within the…
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