I.-The Chairman of the Board of Directors is appointed for three years, in accordance with the conditions set out in article L. 6123-7.
II – The Chairman of the Board of Directors :
1° Chairs the discussions of the Board of Directors ;
2° Calls meetings of the Board of Directors, sets the agenda on the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, signs the minutes of the Board of Directors’ meetings and ensures that they are sent without delay to the appropriate Minister and to the authority responsible for economic and financial control in accordance with articles R. 6123-10 and R. 6123-11 ;
3° Ensures that its decisions are implemented and that the Chief Executive Officer reports regularly on their implementation;
4° Signs, jointly with the Managing Director, the three-year objectives and performance agreement referred to in Article L. 6123-11.
III – In the event of a tied vote, the decision of the Board of Directors is referred to a new meeting of the Board of Directors. The Chairman of the Board of Directors then has the casting vote.