Every four years, France Compétences selects the operators responsible for vocational development counselling likely to benefit from its allocations, within the framework of the public contract provided for in article L. 6111-6.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book I: General principles and institutional organisation of vocational training | Title II: Role of the regions, the State and vocational training institutions | Chapter III: Coordination of employment, vocational guidance and training policies | Section 3: France Compétences | Subsection 4: Operation | Paragraph 2: Financial allocations paid by France Compétences | Article R6123-27 of the French Labour Code
Every four years, France Compétences selects the operators responsible for vocational development counselling likely to benefit from its allocations, within the framework of the public contract provided for in article L. 6111-6.
France compétences sélectionne tous les quatre ans, dans le cadre du marché public prévu par l’article L. 6111-6, les opérateurs chargés du conseil en évolution professionnelle susceptibles de bénéficier de ses dotations.
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