I.-France Compétences allocates, each year, the proceeds of employers’ contributions paid to it under 2°, 3° and 4° of I of Article L. 6131-1, less the payment referred to in Article R. 6123-24, and determines the amount of the various allocations as follows:
1° Between 5% and 35% to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations for the financing of the personal training account mentioned in a of 3° of article L. 6123-5 ;
2° Between 4% and 30% to skills operators for skills development aid for companies with fewer than fifty employees, as referred to in c of 3° of Article L. 6123-5;
3° Between 3% and 25% to the regional inter-professional joint commissions mentioned in article L. 6323-17-6 for the financing of professional transition projects;
4° Between 0.5% and 6% to professional development advice operators. These amounts are increased by the second fraction mentioned in article L. 6332-11 for the collection of self-employed workers;
5° Between 55% and 83% for expenditure relating to work-linked training. This payment is broken down as follows
a) Two amounts allocated to the regions to finance respectively the operating expenses and the investment expenses of apprentice training centres and justified by regional planning and economic development needs, set by order of the Minister responsible for vocational training, and an amount allocated to the national centre for the local civil service to finance the apprentice training expenses that it covers under 1° of article L. 6123-5 ;
b) The remaining balance is paid as follows:
between 8% and 55% of this balance to the skills operators as part of the equalisation scheme to provide assistance with the costs of work-linked training contracts, according to the needs of the structures in the light of their financial capacities and the levels of funding determined in accordance with the procedures set out in article L. 6332-14 ;
-up to 1% of the same balance to finance the driving licence subsidy referred to in 1° of article L. 6123-5 under an agreement with the subsidy administrator;
the remaining part of this same balance to the skills operators to finance expenditure on the section of actions to finance work-linked training mentioned in 1° of article L. 6332-3. This share is allocated to the skills operators on the basis of contributions from companies in the branches that are members of the skills operator or, failing that, from companies in the inter-professional field under the conditions set out in article L. 6332-1-1. On the basis of forecast funding requirements, the level of commitments made in previous financial years and the financial resources dedicated to work-linked training, France Compétences determines for each skills operator the share that can be allocated to expenditure other than that defined in 2° of article R. 6123-31, subject to a ceiling of 10%.
II – All of the shares mentioned in 1° to 5° of I and the share of resources dedicated to financing the implementation of France Compétences’ missions set by the agreement mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 6123-12 represent all of the contributions paid to France Compétences under 2°, 3° and 4° of I of article L. 6131-1, less the payment mentioned in article R. 6123-24.
The estimated amounts of the payments mentioned in I are set each year by decision of the France Compétences Board of Directors and communicated to the skills operators before 30 November of the year preceding the payment. After this date and in the absence of this decision, these amounts are set by order of the minister responsible for vocational training.
The amounts mentioned in a of 5° of I are paid to the regions before 1st June of each year.