The institutions, bodies and operators responsible for providing career development advice assess the impact of the advice on their beneficiaries and share this data under the conditions set out inarticle L. 6353-10 of the French Labour Code.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book I: General principles and institutional organisation of vocational training | Title I: General principles | Chapter I: Common provisions | Section 2: Career development advice | Article D6111-7 of the French Labour Code
The institutions, bodies and operators responsible for providing career development advice assess the impact of the advice on their beneficiaries and share this data under the conditions set out inarticle L. 6353-10 of the French Labour Code.
Les institutions, organismes et opérateurs chargés de délivrer le conseil en évolution professionnelle évaluent l’apport du conseil sur leurs bénéficiaires et partagent ces données dans les conditions prévues à l’article L. 6353-10 du code du travail.
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