I.-France compétences pays :
1° The allocation relating to skills development aid for companies with fewer than fifty employees, referred to in 2° of I of Article R. 6123-25, to skills operators on the basis of the number of member companies with fewer than fifty employees and their workforce determined in accordance with the procedures set out in I of Article L. 130-1 of the Social Security Code;
2° The allocation relating to the financing of professional transition projects, referred to in 3° of the I of article R. 6123-25, to the regional inter-professional joint committees on the basis of the payroll of establishments per region, in compliance with the recommendations that it has set, pursuant to 10° of article L 6123-5, with regard to the terms and rules for funding these projects.
II -France Compétences sets the terms and conditions for the distribution of the allocations mentioned in I by decision of its Board of Directors.