I.-A network of activity, resource and information centres on training-regional employment and training observatories, with legal personality and made up of volunteer activity, resource and information centres on training-regional employment and training observatories, provides support to the ministers responsible for vocational guidance and training and to the chairmen of the regional councils in implementing the policies relating to vocational guidance and training mentioned in articles L. 6111-1 and L. 6111-3.
Membership of the network of Centres d’animation, de ressources et d’information sur la formation-observatoires régionaux de l’emploi et de la formation is automatic.
The other conditions of membership of the network of regional employment and training coordination, resource and information centres-observatoires régionaux de l’emploi et de la formation are set out in its articles of association, in particular any financial conditions if the articles of association so provide.
II.The network of regional employment and training observatories (centres d’animation, de ressources et d’information sur la formation-observatoires régionaux de l’emploi et de la formation) is responsible for :
1° To organise the provision of the data required to carry out the missions entrusted to the centres for leadership, resources and information on training-regional employment and training observatories;
2° To consolidate at national level the information transmitted by the centres for leadership, resources and information on training-regional employment and training observatories in application of 1° of article D. 6123-1-1, in order to make them available to those involved in the public employment service, to those in charge of guidance for school pupils, students and apprentices, and to the regional public guidance services, and to transmit them to the ministers responsible for guidance and vocational training and to the presidents of the regional councils as part of the collection of information relating to the range of training mentioned in article L. 6111-7, as well as that intended to ensure that pupils and students are guided towards apprenticeships;
3° Coordinating the actions of the regional employment and training resource and information centres-observatoires régionaux de l’emploi et de la formation relating to the dissemination and promotion of regional innovations in the field of employment, vocational training and guidance;
4° To list vocational training bodies and apprentice training centres, specifying their territorial location, and to ensure that they are updated according to the information mentioned in 1° of article D. 6123-1-1;
5° Drawing up and publishing an annual report on the range of vocational training courses on offer, broken down by region, by training area and purpose and, where applicable, by level of certification. This report shall also specify the actions constituting a vocational training offer accessible on the reference territory, provided for by agreement, provided that they do not fall within the scope defined in 1° of article D. 6123-1-1;
6° Representing the centres d’animation, de ressources et d’information sur la formation-observatoires régionaux de l’emploi et de la formation which constitute it in relation to bodies and players in the field of employment, vocational training and guidance at national level;
7° Implementing any other action relating to information on the training on offer entrusted to it by the ministers responsible for vocational guidance and training, in conjunction with the representatives of the regions.