The Chief Executive Officer :
1° Prepares, signs jointly with the Chairman of the Board of Directors and executes the three-year objectives and performance agreement provided for in Article L. 6123-11 ;
2° Prepares and implements the decisions of the Board of Directors;
3° Prepares and implements the institution’s budget;
4° Implements revenue and expenditure, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the internal regulations;
5° Has authority over all the establishment’s staff and is responsible for their management. In this capacity, it recruits, appoints and manages staff;
6° Chairs the establishment’s social dialogue bodies;
7° Negotiates and concludes agreements and contracts relating to the institution’s missions within the limits set, where applicable, by the Board of Directors;
8° Represents the institution in legal proceedings and in civil acts under the conditions laid down, where applicable, by the Board of Directors;
9° Draws up the annual activity report for Parliament and the Minister responsible for vocational training;
10° Ensures publication of the updated list of professional qualifications registered in the national register of professional qualifications under the procedure laid down in II of article L. 6113-5 as well as the qualifications and authorisations listed in the specific register under the procedure laid down in article L. 6113-6;
11° (Repealed) ;
12° Reports on its management to the Board of Directors and to the Minister responsible for vocational training. It also reports on its management to Parliament pursuant to Article L. 6123-8.
He may delegate his signature to staff under his authority.