The Professional Advisory Commissions are made up of the following members, appointed for a period of five years by order of the Minister with whom they are set up or, where they are interministerial, the Minister responsible for their administrative and material organisation pursuant to the first paragraph of Article R. 6113-21:
1° One representative from each representative employee trade union organisation at national and cross-industry level, on the proposal of their respective organisation;
2° One representative of each professional employers’ organisation representative at national and cross-sectoral level, on a proposal from their respective organisation;
3° Two representatives appointed either by professional employers’ organisations that are representative at national and cross-industry level, or at the level of one or more professional branches, or by the organisations representing public-sector employers operating in the professional field(s) of the professional consultative commission concerned;
4° Six representatives of the State, including:
a) One representative appointed by the Minister responsible for vocational training;
b) One representative appointed by the Minister responsible for national education;
c) One representative appointed by the Minister responsible for higher education;
d) Three representatives appointed, for each professional advisory committee, by the ministers they represent under conditions defined by decree;
5° Five associate members with no voting rights, representing organisations involved in the professional fields covered by the qualifications or diplomas concerned or with expertise in training and employment, on the proposal of their respective organisation;
6° One non-voting member appointed by the Conseil national consultatif des personnes handicapées. Notwithstandingarticle R. 133-4 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration, this member is replaced, in the event of termination of his or her mandate before its term, by a member appointed for a period of five years.
For each full member of the commission, an alternate is designated and appointed under the same conditions.
The Professional Advisory Commissions are chaired alternately, for half of the term for which the members of the commission have been appointed, by a member elected by and from among the members mentioned in 1° and by a member elected by and from among the members mentioned in 2° and 3°.