Professional advisory committees may be set up, by a decree which specifies their composition and defines the organisational and operational procedures, under one or more certifying ministers, according to a perimeter which allows an analysis of diplomas and qualifications with a professional purpose which is coherent in terms of professional activity and economic organisation. If the committee is attached to several certifying ministers, the decree designates the coordinating minister who is responsible for its administrative and material organisation.
Subject to the provisions of the second paragraph of II of article L. 6113-3, these committees issue opinions in line with the creation, revision or deletion of vocational diplomas and qualifications and their reference systems, in the professional field or fields within their remit.
These opinions shall take account of the development of qualifications, taking into account, where appropriate, skills related to disability, accessibility and universal design as defined by article 2 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 30 March 2007, their use in the professional field(s) concerned and the objective of ensuring consistency between existing professional qualifications.
The Minister or Ministers to whom they are attached may also refer to the Professional Advisory Committees any general or specific question relating to vocational diplomas and qualifications.