I.-The Regional Committee for Employment, Vocational Training and Guidance is responsible for the diagnosis, study, monitoring and evaluation of policies required to ensure coordination between those involved in guidance, vocational training and employment policies and the consistency of training programmes in the region.
II – In order to carry out these functions, the Regional Committee for Employment, Vocational Training and Career Guidance relies as necessary on the studies and observation work carried out in particular by :
1° The local and regional authorities in the region;
2° The Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council;
3° Pôle emploi ;
4° State statistical services and public study and research bodies;
5° Joint management and observation bodies for professional sectors in the region;
6° The Centre d’animation, de ressources et d’information sur la formation-observatoire régional de l’emploi et de la formation professionnelle.
III -The Regional Committee for Employment, Training and Vocational Guidance is informed of the investment projects and resources available to the regional departments of Pôle emploi.
It also receives the minutes of the plenary sessions and commissions of the Commission nationale de la négociation collective, de l’emploi et de la formation professionnelle (National Commission for Collective Bargaining, Employment and Vocational Training), as well as its studies and work.