The foundation of professional knowledge and skills referred to in I of article D. 6113-30 and the complementary module referred to in III of the same article are each the subject of certification, on the basis of proposals from representative employee trade union organisations at national and cross-industry level and representative employer trade union organisations at national and cross-industry level under the conditions defined by order of the Minister responsible for vocational training.
Each of these qualifications is based on a reference system which specifies the knowledge and skills expected and on an assessment reference system which determines the methods used to assess prior learning.
The assessment reference framework sets out the guiding principles enabling the knowledge and skills base and the complementary module mentioned in III of article D. 6113-30 to be put into perspective in order to take account of the specific features of the various sectors of professional activity.
The procedures for awarding each of these qualifications are defined by the representative employee trade union organisations at national and cross-industry level and the representative employer trade union organisations at national and cross-industry level under the conditions laid down by the order referred to in article D. 6113-3. Within this framework, they ensure in particular that these qualifications are awarded in compliance with:
1° the transparency of the information provided to the public;
2° the quality of the certification process.
These qualifications are registered in the specific register provided for in article L. 6113-6.