All persons involved in lifelong vocational training are trained in the rules relating to professional equality between women and men and contribute, in the course of their work, to promoting such equality.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book I: General principles and institutional organisation of vocational training | Title I: General principles | Chapter II: Equal access to training | Article D6112-1 of the French Labour Code
All persons involved in lifelong vocational training are trained in the rules relating to professional equality between women and men and contribute, in the course of their work, to promoting such equality.
Toute personne concourant à la formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie est formée aux règles relatives à l’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes et contribue, dans l’exercice de son activité, à favoriser cette égalité.
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