As part of its mission to provide a public vocational guidance and training service, the Centre d’animation, de ressources et d’information sur la formation-observatoire régional de l’emploi et de la formation:
1° Collects information relating to apprenticeship training and continuing vocational training for unemployed people, whether or not they are registered as jobseekers.
At the joint request of the Regional Prefect and the President of the Regional Council, the Centre d’animation, de ressources et d’information sur la formation-observatoire régional de l’emploi et de la formation may collect information relating to training provision other than that provided for in the first paragraph.
The Centre d’animation, de ressources et d’information sur la formation-observatoire régional de l’emploi et de la formation transmits this information by electronic means to the network of Centres d’animation, de ressources et d’information sur la formation-observatoires régionaux de l’emploi et de la formation mentioned in article D. 6123-2;
2° Analyses information and data relating to methods of access to training and the relationship between training and employment at regional level, in particular developments in employment, training, vocational guidance and integration, needs in terms of skills, qualifications and acquired experience, the characteristics of training bodies and the socio-economic situation in the region;
3° At regional level, leads and supports the professionalisation of players and operators in the field of employment, vocational guidance and training, in particular by monitoring and disseminating technological and pedagogical innovation tools in the field of vocational guidance and training;
4° Implements at regional level any other action relating to information on the training on offer which is entrusted to it as part of its duties by the Prefect of the Region and the President of the Regional Council or by the body mentioned in Article D. 6123-2.