When the emergency unit and the mobile emergency and resuscitation unit organise a joint medical or non-medical duty shift, in particular in application of article R. 6123-9, the arrangements for the care of patients presenting to the emergency unit are planned by the authorised establishment and allow the mobile emergency and resuscitation unit to intervene without delay.
When the mobile emergency and resuscitation structure team intervenes outside the establishment, the activity of the emergency structure is ensured by a doctor from the establishment and a nurse from the emergency structure, present on site. Failing this, when the low level of activity in the establishment’s emergency unit and mobile emergency and intensive care unit allows it, the medical presence in the emergency unit is ensured by an on-call doctor exclusively for this site, the doctor’s arrival time being compatible with safety requirements. The on-call doctor is called by his establishment to the emergency unit as soon as the mobile emergency and resuscitation unit is activated by the SAMU.