I.-The medical staff required for interventional neuroradiology procedures include:
1° Doctors with proven experience and training in the practice of interventional neuroradiology procedures, certified in accordance with the procedures laid down by order of the Minister for Health, the number of which must be sufficient to ensure the continuity of care mentioned in article L. 1110-1 ;
2° At least one doctor specialising in anaesthesia and intensive care, on the basis of an organisation formalised in a document describing the procedures for this or these doctors in conjunction with the doctors on the medical intervention team;
3° Where necessary, one or more doctors specialising in physical and rehabilitation medicine and geriatrics.
When the interventional procedure is not being performed, the staff mentioned in 1° to 3° may be joined by doctors specialising in other disciplines, depending on the needs of patients undergoing interventional neuroradiology.
The staff referred to in 1° meet the conditions laid down in Article L. 1333-11. They ensure that the provisions of articles R. 1333-56, R. 1333-59 and R. 1333-74 are complied with when prescribing and performing procedures in the interventional neuroradiology room.
II – Each procedure requires the presence of at least three experienced people, including a doctor meeting the conditions mentioned in 1° and a medical electroradiology technician. The third person may be a doctor, a nurse or a medical electroradiology technician, as required.
When the operation requires a general anaesthetic, the doctor specialising in anaesthesia and intensive care is assisted by a nurse anaesthetist.
III – The non-medical staff working on a daily basis during the hospitalisation of patients involved in interventional neuroradiology include professionals trained in the specific requirements of this care and in particular:
1° At least one state-registered nurse;
2° At least one care assistant;
3° At least one masseur-physiotherapist;
4° Where necessary, a speech therapist, an occupational therapist, a social worker and a psychologist.
IV – The authorisation holder must ensure that a medical physicist is involved in the process of optimising exposure to ionising radiation.