Part-time day or night hospitalisation facilities and facilities providing outpatient anaesthesia or surgery provide the care provided for in article R. 6121-4, lasting twelve hours or less and not including accommodation, for patients whose state of health corresponds to this type of care.
The nature, complexity and medical supervision of the services provided are equivalent to those usually provided in the context of full-time hospitalisation.
These facilities must be easily identifiable by their users and must be specifically organised. They are organised into one or more individual care units and have dedicated premises and equipment. They also have a medical and paramedical team whose functions and tasks are defined by the operating charter provided for in article D. 6124-305 and all of whose members are trained in part-time care or outpatient anaesthesia or surgery.
This team may include, in accordance with the specific organisation of part-time care and the provisions of article D. 6124-303, staff who also work in full hospitalisation on the same site.
However, in the case of outpatient anaesthesia or surgery, the members of the team mentioned in the third paragraph who are not primarily involved in the operating sector are assigned solely to the outpatient anaesthesia or surgery facility for the duration of the treatment.
When the treatment requires the use of a technical platform, it may be carried out using the staff and equipment of the technical platform(s) on the site, in accordance with the specific organisation and constraints of part-time treatment or outpatient anaesthesia or surgery.
The structures mentioned in this article may use the technical facilities of another healthcare establishment.
The units referred to in the third paragraph guarantee access and movement for a patient who is lying down, equipped and accompanied.
The conditions of access from these units to the various elements of the technical platform are organised in such a way as to limit patient movements as much as possible.