The staff mentioned in article R. 6156-3 of this code are entitled to union training leave with pay for a maximum of 5 working days per year.
This leave may only be granted to attend a training course or a session organised by one of the centres or institutes on a list drawn up every three years by the Minister for Health.
The employee is free to choose the training course and the training organisation that provides it from the list referred to in the previous paragraph.
The employee must send his or her request for leave in writing to the director of the establishment at least one month in advance. In the absence of an express reply by the fifteenth day before the start of the training course or session, the leave is deemed to have been granted.
Leave may only be refused if the needs of the service so require. Reasons must be given for any refusal.
At the end of the course, the training organisation will issue a certificate of attendance, which the person concerned will give to his or her head of department when he or she returns to work.