Debts eligible for remission correspond to:
1° To penalties, late payment interest, default interest, tax or customs fines, surcharges, prosecution costs, regardless of the tax or miscellaneous State budget product to which these penalties or costs apply ;
2° Aux majorations de retard, frais de poursuite, pénalités et amendes attachés aux cotisations et contributions sociales recouvrées par les organismes de sécurité sociale et par les institutions régies par le livre IX du code de la sécurité sociale et par les institutions régies par le livre VII du code rural et de la pêche maritime ;
3° Increases for late payment, prosecution costs and penalties attached to contributions and levies recovered by Pôle emploi on behalf of the body managing the unemployment insurance scheme;
4° Employers’ social contributions and levies of legal or contractual origin that an employer is required to pay in respect of the employment of salaried staff ;
5° Duties in principal relating solely to direct taxes levied for the benefit of the State and local authorities;
6° State receivables unrelated to taxation and the domain, state fees, fees for services rendered and other miscellaneous income from the State budget.
Debt remissions are granted in priority on prosecution costs, surcharges and fines, then on late payment interest and default interest, and finally on duties and sums due as principal. Debts due in principal cannot be forgiven in full.