Article R626-1 of the French Commercial code
For the application of article L. 626-3, meetings are convened in accordance with the provisions of Book II, subject to the provisions of this section.
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For the application of article L. 626-3, meetings are convened in accordance with the provisions of Book II, subject to the provisions of this section.
For sociétés anonymes and sociétés en commandite par actions, in addition to the information mentioned in articles R. 225-66 and R. 225-73, the notice of meeting must include: 1° The date on which the second meeting may be held, if the first meeting fails to reach the required quorum; 2° A reminder of the deadline provided for in the first paragraph of Article R. 626-3. The period between the two…
As an exception to Article R. 225-72, shareholders’ requests for an item or draft resolution to be included on the agenda of the meeting must be sent to the registered office at least fifteen days before the date of the meeting convened on first call.
I.-For the application of the second and third paragraphs of Article L. 626-5, proposals for the settlement of debts are communicated by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, by the mandataire judiciaire, to each creditor consulted who has declared his claim. II.-The letter sent to the creditors to whom deadlines and discounts are proposed specifies the form chosen for the consultation. In the event of individual consultation, it shall contain…
When the judicial representative decides to collectively obtain the agreement of the creditors to whom payment deadlines and debt remissions are proposed, the creditors are convened to a meeting held under his chairmanship, at the place, day and time set in the letter referred to in Article R. 626-7. A notice of the meeting may also be inserted in a legal notices medium in the place of the registered office…
Debt remissions granted, for the application of Article L. 626-6, by financial administrations, social security bodies, Pôle emploi on behalf of the managing body of the unemployment insurance scheme, institutions governed by Book IX of the Social Security Code and institutions governed by Book VII of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code are carried out under the terms and conditions defined by the articles D. 626-10 to D. 626-15.
Debts eligible for remission correspond to: 1° To penalties, late payment interest, default interest, tax or customs fines, surcharges, prosecution costs, regardless of the tax or miscellaneous State budget product to which these penalties or costs apply ; 2° Aux majorations de retard, frais de poursuite, pénalités et amendes attachés aux cotisations et contributions sociales recouvrées par les organismes de sécurité sociale et par les institutions régies par le livre…
Debts due on the date of receipt of the application for remission, valid as a referral to the commission mentioned in Article D. 626-14, and due to the administrations, bodies and institutions mentioned in article D. 626-9.
If conciliation proceedings are opened, the debtor or the conciliator refers the request for debt remission to the commission mentioned in article D. 626-14, including by electronic means. This referral must be made within five months of the date on which the procedure is opened, failing which it will be time-barred. It may not be made after the end of the proceedings. A.-This application shall be accompanied or supplemented by…
In the event of the opening of safeguard or receivership proceedings, the court-appointed administrator or the judicial representative shall refer, including by dematerialised means, the application for debt remission to the commission mentioned in Article D. 626-14 . This referral must be made, under penalty of foreclosure, within six months of the date on which the proceedings are opened. It may not be made after the end of the proceedings….
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